Reply To: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers

Home Forums Rants Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers Reply To: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers

catch yourself

Anyone who has had the chicken pox vaccine can have shingles. This happened to my friend’s daughter.

If the antivaxxers are making basic mistakes in logic, I should be able to have an opinion on their claims as long as I have common sense, even without a degree in medicine.

Having read Tanach and Shas Bavli doesn’t necessarily qualify one to have an opinion on advanced Halachic questions any more than reading medical textbooks qualifies one to have an opinion on advanced medical questions .

We’ve already had the anti-antivaxxer conversation enough times. It seems either incredibly stupid or narcissistic (or both) to assume that you are both more knowledgeable and more concerned with human health than all of the medical professionals and establishments in the world.