Reply To: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School Reply To: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School


Health, first of all ,a migraine is way worse than a regular headache. Also, your mice example is totally irrelevant. I’m taking about pain. I admit, I have a massive phobia of spiders and anything else with more than 4 legs, but thats fear, not pain.

But take a woman for example. Every sngle month, we go through 3-5 days of cramps and headaches. During pregnancy, a woman is naseaus, in pain… And that’s for 9 months. Then, at the end of that, she has to push a baby out of her.

Now, lets look at a man. At 8 days old, he is circumcised. But that doesn’t count because you don’t remember it and it only happens once. And then, let me see… oh right. I believe that’s it.

So women are entitled to moan a little bit once a month. Men are not. Well, they a but that just makes them wimps. Suck it up, and be a man. Actually, I vote we change that to “Be a woman.”