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I am also currently in Ner Yisroel, and in truth the options for college are quite limited. There are basically 5 programs:
1)The Hopkins business program- as far as I know is set up as mordechai-ryan describes. The issue is that Hopkins is closing it’s part time business program,so I don’t think they are accepting any new applicants. As far as I’m aware, there are no other undergraduate majors through Hopkins set up with yeshiva. There are rumors going around that the yeshiva is trying to set up an alternative to the Hopkins program. There is no way to ascertain the veracity of these rumours.
2)There is an education program (a masters) through Hopkins which is done over the course of two summers, with no coursework throughout the rest of the year. It is run as a separate yeshiva class (not integrated with actual Hopkins, but still a Hopkins degree). That being the case, the program is only offered when there are enough bochurim to start a cohort (10-15 students). The problem is a new group just started this summer, and you can’t join in the second year, and there usually is a buffer year, so you’d have to wait 3yrs to start, and by then moshiach hopefully will have come (or the program will be non-existent). cost- aprox $18000
3)There is also an MBA program through Loyola which also takes about two and a half years, in which you use your BTL with Business prereqs (I think its 10 courses) to get in and you take 10 graduate courses at Loyola. I don’t know much about it, but its generally not recommended because you have no undergrad backing and you are considered to be overqualified with a masters degree.
4) Premed/dentistry/PA/anything science related through Towson, is as mordechai-ryan describes. Your science prereq courses are done through Towson over 2 yrs, but you don’t get a degree from there there. Good luck. Also, to apply the program to other science related fields isn’t so simple as the program was set up for med (dental) school. Cost-aprox $8000
5)UMBC(University of Maryland Baltimore County)- for those from outside Maryland, this is not to be confused with the real University of Maryland (College Park-ranked 62nd versus UMBC ranked 158th). UMBC takes up to (supposedly) 90 transfer credits from Ner, but no Talmud credits. The courses in Ner you’ll have to take shldn’t be that big a deal though (they are mostly in Jewish subjects). The way it is set up is that somehow these courses take care of your electives and most gen ed reqmts (all but a science, English Comp, and a math) leaving only your major to be done at UMBC. Most do psychology, some econ, but you could do History as well (it’s a 39 credit major at UMBC). In this way you’ll do 39 credits plus the gen eds not covered by Ner. It takes about 2-2 and a half yrs. Your degree comes from UMBC. However, how this all works out (i.e- Are there aprox 75 non gemara credits offered at Ner? How do they cover gen ed reqmts?)is quite confusing. Cost- aprox $30,000.
All timelines are minus 6/4 month fridge (exactly how long you have to wait depends on the program).
All costs are in addition to yeshiva tuition.
There will be no info on any of the websites about joint agreements, all are grandfathered in. The credits from Ner do transfer.
I agree with LevAryehBoy, posting on Yeshiva World is probably a better way to get accurate information about Ner Yisroel then calling Ner Yisroel. Nothing is poshut, you’ve got to speak to guys. Doing college at Ner Yisroel is a test of Bitachon; How anything works doesnt make any sense, and seemingly simple things take forever to achieve (interpret that as you wish). There will be more bittul zman on logistical issues than on the actual college itself. In the end though, with enough davening and at the last possible minute, everything will work out.