Reply To: Terror in the West Bank

Home Forums Controversial Topics Terror in the West Bank Reply To: Terror in the West Bank


DaasYochid: You couldn’t be more wrong. We live in the Shomron. We are perfectly safe. Your knowledge comes from media that looks to cause us harm. When Jews are harmed or killed ch’v, we feel it on a personal level. In your communities, while it affects people there too, but instances that occur in the States are downplayed, especially compared how things are portrayed here.

If you look at the statistics in the States on violent crimes, it far surpases what we experience in Eretz Yisroel, including wars. It just has a greater impact on us, since we are all family in words and deeds.

We live in a beautiful community, that while there are Frum people here of all stripes, there is a phenomenal sense of community and achdus to the likes I have never seen in all my years in the three communities I’ve lived in the U.S.

There is no antagonism over what Yarmulkah someone wears and every variety exists here.

We have Chareidi, Chardal, Dati Leumi and CHABAD (though they fit in one of the other groups, I mention them for a reason). We have Ashkenazim, Sefardim and in other sections of our Yishuv, there are Chilomin too. Everyone interacts with each other and gets along without the judgmentalism that we see on this forum and most of the communities that people herein live.

This is how it’s supposed to be.

From thousands of miles away, you hardly know the reality more than we do.