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Ah yes. Rav Chaim can’t argue on b’feirush an Artscroll.

Also what does “If you believe in the gilgulistic explanation of Hu Pinchas, Hu Eliyahu, Hu Charvona, or that Hasach is Daniel, etc.” mean?

“if one wants to believe in some obscure, possibly kabbalisticly based novel sevara which … [Rav Chaim Kanievsky] holds from,” Are you sure “believe” is the word you meant here?

Now I don’t have a problem with someone explaining that they prefer to hold like Rav Elyashiv but I notice a lot of people appearing to argue on Rav Chaim with their own svoros. If you want to say he never said it and that this sefer is lying, that’s fine. If you know as a fact that Rav Chaim clearly held that Shira was a fine beautiful name for a Jewish girl, that’s fine too. But please, we aren’t talking about little people here. Just because you don’t understand WHY he said it, doesn’t make it not true. In all likelihood, he is probably intimately familiar with a number of sources that the rest of us aren’t.