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If the truth is to be told, I must say, as someone who went through this, that I really can’t stand this disgusting behavior of yours. If you really case that much about truth, how do you allow yourself to attack someone based on the fact that his view is slightly more extreme than your tolerance level allows for?
I said right in the beginning that it is obviously not a Halacha. From the comments that mention the name’s origin as Reb Chaim’s main concern, we also see that it is not a Halachic problem, just a Hashkafa or Ruchnius one.
The Medrash in Noach says that in the olden days, when their Yichus was clear, they named after the current events. Also, in the olden days, when they had Nevua, they named after the events of the time. Today, on the other hand, we name after our parents.
In Sefer Chasidim we find many rules about naming. He talks there about what the name brings on.