Reply To: Other solutions to the shidduch crisis

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Joe still hasn’t explained why marriage will suddenly preserve the idealism, while staying unmarried will allow it to degenerate.

There’s someone to whom you promised to live a certain way, and you wouldn’t want to disappoint them (among other reasons).

just boys assume that they have to be in long-term learning in order to get a shidduch

So you agree that it doesn’t exist, just that you think it should. So do I, but that wasn’t the point.

you’d have to use embryo selection if you really wanted to regulate effectively (two children per family, exactly at replacement level, to prevent population growth)

If this were serious, I would respond that:

1) No matter how much social engineering we do, there will always be some who don’t get married.

2) There are more boys born than girls, so we could grow a bit, maintain an age gap, and still have even numbers.

But it isn’t, so I won’t.