Reply To: Women Driving

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I don’t want this to come out the wrong way but I want to make my point. Do I need my husbands Rabbis permission to wash my face in the morning? Or to put milk on my Cheerios? Why does every thing in life need to be dictated to us by the Rabbis? What is this world coming to? Israel is on the verge of distraction by Irans nuclear program, America’s morals are swiftly sinking lower and lower almost into oblivion, we are in the verge of a financial crisis, so many other things are going on, but here you are worried about whether or not women are ” allowed” to drive? Is it untsnius to cough in public, lest a man may turn his hea in response to the sound. I feel like we are slowly but surely aligning ourselves with the Saudis and I’m embarrassed to read posts like this one above.