Reply To: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron Reply To: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron


They’ve not perfect and all knowing

I think they’re a lot more ‘perfect and all knowing’ than daas-baal-habayis posters here. They knew perfectly well what they were doing. Where are the descendants of the multitudes of Jewish immigrants of that era? TOTALLY WIPED OUT!! Zilch. ZERO. How many times do we find totally assimilated ‘Jewish’ families all over the Americana?!

Besides, this is the same calling as the previous ‘isms’ (Haskala etc) – see! The Rabbis don’t know everything. We’re smarter then them! Us against ‘them’. I don’t know about you, I chose to have the Gedolim as my leaders, my guiding light, my admiration.

Read what Rabbi Miller ztz”l writes (quoting from memory), “the secular Jews ask ‘shall we let the Rabbis lead us like blind sheep..?’ Indeed, we are like blind sheep, a Jewish nation without it’s leaders is truly like a blind sheep..”