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AinOhdMilvado -“those who post all the vicious and venomous anti-Israel comments here clearly have no idea of what the physical and EMOTIONAL state of world Jewry was at the end of the Shoah,”

It’s true I don’t, but I wasn’t born yet. But the Brisker Rov & the Satmar Rebbe who lived through the Holocaust were extremely Anti-Zionist. These Gedolim knew what was good for the Yidden, not the likes of you.

“and can not and DO not have any musag AT ALL of what life as a Jew TODAY would be like (anywhere in the world) if there was no state of Israel.”

Acc. to the Gedolim I just mentioned, life for Jews would be much better. The only reason you think differently is because you have been drinking the Zionist Kool-aid your whole life!