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PBA: I think you’re making assumptions about me based on other things you know. Why would I endorse following lower Rabbonim over Poskim? That would just be silly. Everyone has their own Rav who can decide in a Machlokes between contemporary Rabbonim. But no Rav can go against the leading Poskim.

I don’t know what people Poskim have condemned. I do that many women who learn don’t do it to violate Hashem’s or Chazal’s will and that they have major Poskim who back up what they do as well. I also know that there are people who not only ignore these Poskim, but they try to discredit them because they personally disagree with certain Shittos. That’s just wrong and that is Megaleh Ponim as well.

And no, the average person or even Talmid Chacham doesn’t have such a power. The Gemara in Yevamos says that the Chachamim have the Koach to change Halachah Hora’as Sha’ah L’migdar Milsa. Pashtus is that this still sort of applies nowadays and that the Gedolei Haposkim have that power. No one else does. Who is any random person (or Talmid Chacham) to think that he can alter the P’sak of the Shulchan Aruch based on his ideology? I might be too sure of myself, but even I wouldn’t go that far. And furthermore, where does that ideology come from? Certainly not the SH”A, as his ideology doesn’t conform to that P’sak. So no, once again, I say that “Hashkafa” is an excuse that people use to Mattir the Assur, Asser the Muttar, and proclaim themselves as better than others. Because that’s really all it does.

(Just a side point: There is a reason that the Aruch Hashulchan had to repeat over and over in his Sefer that “Ein Anu Gozrin G’zeiros L’atzmeinu”. Why do people nowadays think that they have the Koach to do that for every minor issue that they feel is a problem?)