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Sam2 -“Health: Source for #1 please. Also, See Sukkah 9b or 10b (I think) which seems to prove you wrong on that K’lal. Tzitzis is also a Mitzvas Asei Shehazman G’rama according to what we hold.

#2: See the Rama in 38:3 and the Nos’ei Keilim there and it’s unclear what the reason is. (I should have said Rama, not SH”A.) I have a long Shittah on that which I don’t feel like typing out here at the moment.

#3: That Kaf Hachayim is not the majority Shittah in the Poskim, though it is far from a small minority. There is good reason to say that it doesn’t apply to a Tallis Kattan though. Mentioning that was one of the reasons that I convinced her to tuck them in with.”

Feminism is really off topic and I don’t really want to discuss this here.

But I’m a nice guy so here goes:

#1 – Yes – Tzitzis is a Mitzva Asey Sh’Hazman Groma and the Rema brings down Shittos that they can wear it OC 17:2.

Source for my #1 -Hilchos Tzitzis OC 14:1 -Mishna Brura #2 says Bnei Yisroel and Not BNOS Yisroel. Even though he’s talking about making Tzitzis -this Drosha would apply to the whole Parsha!

#2 – Yes, but I was bringing down the Mishna Brura there. His reasoning is usually the middle path.

#3 Noone says he was. Maybe you can think of a difference between Koton & Godol but does any Achron say there is one? Even if you can differentiate – why isn’t it still a Sofek D’oraysa?

Why should she stick them in? It’s better for her to keep them out -so she doesn’t fool anybody about her Feminism.

The lady in the street wasn’t Davening -just walking with the Yarmulka.

IMHO, this lady is a Feminist. She doesn’t have Yiras Shomayim because why do something that is a Sofek D’oraysa, much worse than any other Mitzvas Asey Sh’hazman Groma? Why are these women looking to do Mitzvos that they aren’t Mechuyav in? They can’t find any Mitzvos where they are Mechuyav in? Here’s one that they are – go to a hospital or nursing home and help feed the patients. You can even find enough Frum ladies that need this that you can be busy with this 24/7.

I’m sick of these Women’s libs and then covering it up with religiousity!