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“they think its a weird idea”

Maybe you are dating the wrong women for you.

“They are supposed to know what is relevant to them”

Which is almost everything. There are only about a dozen or so mitzvot in our times that are incumbent on men but not on women and women can and do take on most of them. And even in the Temple women could participate in the Avodah by shechting her own korban. (And some apparently did — there was a separate women’s entrance to the Courtyard of the Priests.

“Tznius is the essence of who she is”

But that is not an excuse to be ignorant. Or not fulfill mitzvot. And they can go together — a great example is the separate women’s entrance to the Courtyard of the Priests! Another great example today are the Women’s Tefillah Groups in some modern orthodox synagogues — no men allowed.