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Lilmod Ulelamaid

For all those people who are arguing with me about the order of priorities when eating a HaEtz and a HaAdama, please see: Biur Halacha, Siman 211, d”h: “V’yesh omrim shegam…” and Shaar Hatzion 5.

There is a machlokes Rishonim which comes first. There are several opinions including an opinion that it goes by chaviv (which one you like best) and an opinion that HaEtz takes priority. L’maaseh, the Mishna Berurah poskens that we hold according to the opinion that it goes by chaviv not by Haetz. If both are chaviv, then it goes by Sheva Minim or Shalem. In Shaar Hatzion, he says that he is not sure which of those two take priority – sheva minim or shalem – but in any case they both take priority over Haetz. It is only in a case where there is no chaviv or sheva minim or shalem (or both are shalem) that he says to take the Haetz opinion into account.*

There are other opinions. I think the Kaf HaChaim might hold that HaEtz comes first, but generally speaking, Ashkenazim poskim by the Mishna Berurah over the Kaf Hachaim. In Rav Bodner and Rav Forst’s sefarim, they posken according to the Mishna Berurah in this issue. And anytime I had this argument with anyone who thought the Halacha was that Haetz came first, it was not because they were quoting the Kaf Hachaim but rather because they thought that’s what the Mishna Berurah said, until I showed them the B’iur Halacha and they realized I was right.

Health and DY: I’m not sure what your point is. The sources you’re quoting simply prove my point!!! The Mishna Berurah does not hold by the opinion that Haetz comes first. He holds by the opinion that chaviv comes first, and is only choshesh for that opinion if there is no chaviv, shalem or 7 Minim.

* He does also take it into account in 2 other cases: 1. If he likes the Haadama better in general, but he likes the Haetz better now and it is a 7 Minim, then the M.B. says to make the bracha on the Haetz first. 2. If he he likes the Haadama better in general but he likes the Haetz better now, even if it’s not a 7 minim, he says that perhaps you should make the bracha on the Haetz first.

Bottom line, he does not posken that Haetz comes first; he takes that opinion into account in certain circumstances.