Reply To: Why Yidden are the BEST!

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why Yidden are the BEST! Reply To: Why Yidden are the BEST!

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Pashutah: When we say that Yidden are the best, we refer to TORAH yidden. Because it is the Torah that defines a yid. (of course even if someone is not frum he can still be Jewish, but he hardly carries the flag of Judaism, nor is he recognised as a Jew) So Weitzman, Olmert and the (non religous)zionists are not part of this discussion bichlal. And your whole dugmah with the 98% just doesnt make any sense.

Yes, when we count the Jewish population, we include ALL jews, but even if we wanted to say that when we say yidden are the best we include all 2%, every rule can have exeptions without invalidating the rule.

Anyway, what was your point? That Olmert and Weitzman are really “the best” along with us, or that we are as bad as them?