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Think BIG:

Do you mean to say that you would never use any medication/ medical procedure/ medical research that’s been tested on animals, or non-Jews? After all, if an animal or a non-Jew (I’m not equating the two, obviously) are so different from you, anything tested on them wouldn’t work for someone on your level of existence. Or would you never use anything invented by someone who isn’t Jewish?

Actually I think it would be more correct to say that certain natural laws apply to every category of existence. For example, gravity affects all existence, including domeim. Every living creature, including Tzomeach, needs some form of food & water. Similarly, Chai, M’daber, and Yisroel all have certain natural drives. And obviously M’daber & Yisroel are similar in many ways too: all people have a capacity for intellect & morality that’s non-existent in animals. The difference is that Yisroel has another spritual dimension that M’daber lacks.

Just as medical advances & scientific discoveries apply to M’daber & Yisroel apply to all of us, so too can other innovations, including parenting books (assuming that these have been checked for anti-Torah ideas).

I think that all of us agree that as Jews we do have a higher spiritual purpose; as such, we should expect more of ourselves than of the non-Jews around us, and comparisons to non-Jews are therefore irrelevant. Rather, we should all be the best we can be. After all, to follow your argument, would you bother writing about how you are superior to an animal?