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Why Yidden are the BEST!


WE are the Am Hanivchar. WE have the Torah. Of course we are the best 🙂

We are ‘Bayshonim, Rachmonim and Gomlei Chasodim, we are Maaminim Bnei Maaminim,

Which other nation in the world would endure what we have endured all these years and still remain true to their creator?


WE Yidden are the CHOSEN NATION. We are incomparably better than the umos haolam. We have kedusha. They have tuma.

Anyway, we ARE better because we have the Torah.

We are privileged to be part of Am Yisroel.

Tsiz gut tzi zan ah Yid, tsiz gut tzi zan ah Yid!

Yisroel Kedoshim Heim.

What nation is lucky enough to have Shabbos?

The best Nation.

The best People.

The most holy people.

The chosen nation.

Why did Hashem choose us?

Because we were and are the best!



We as a nation stick together, and watch out for each other.




B’nei Oilem

Zichron Shloime



the list is forever

Just look at the learning for the Mumbai Kedoshim and the way everyone feels when another Jew is in pain or has suffered a loss. MI KEAMCHO YISRAEL???

Yidden are the best because they believe in Hashem. The whole world are to’im, but even non religious Jews don’t believe in yeshu etc. This is a very big zechus for yidden.

someone stopped me on the street once and couldnt get over the fact that i was wearing a skirt and long sleeves….she just didnt stop talking to me–its amazing, wow, Jews are so refined…..were not the only ones that recognize our superiority!!!

Keep ’em coming!