Reply To: Why Yidden are the BEST!

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why Yidden are the BEST! Reply To: Why Yidden are the BEST!


A few years ago, a friend of the family made a kiddush in a Flatbush shul on Shabbos after davening.

When we got there we were told that another family member had slipped and fallen, and was take to Maimonides by ambulance.

We were now stuck miles from home in the waiting room on Shabbos afternoon, not having made Kiddush, let alone had a chance for a seuda.

We noticed a young chasidishe man who was going in and out of the waiting room.

After a couple of minutes, he approached us and asked if we had had a chance to eat.

It made a night-and-day difference in how we felt, and we were extremely appreciative.

I believe those who participate are unpaid volunteers.

The hakoras hatov that we and many others have towards them is tremendous.

They are providing a great service to those who really need it.

There are innumerable chesed organizations – this is just an expression of thanks to one that has helped up personally.