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This one is super rough, and also personal. Needa fix it up one of these days…


are You still there

listening to me

helping me

guiding me

loving me?

After I turned on You,

ignored You

questioned You

lost You?

Of corse You are.

I turned from You,

and got lost on the way

But You waited to guide me,

while I walked in circles.

I ignored You,

because I couldn’t hear my voice

But You were waiting to listen,

while I pretended to sort out my problems.

I questioned You,

and didn’t wait for the answers

But somehow You still loved me,

even though I didn’t love myself.

I lost You,

When I really just lost myself

But You waited for me,

and listened to my cries

You helped me get through them,

and guided me on the way

You showed your unconditional love,

So I know that You’re still here.

You always were.

I just wasn’t opening my eyes,

not wide enough.