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hi all! thanks for the shoutout, kapusta and NOMTW. actually overall, yomtov was much better than i expected, and i was granted a special dose of positive attitude. I had fun, learned a bit, ate ate ate- but only overate a bit :), and played family games- YAY! i had one reallllllllly hard morning when i couldnt control and pretty much cried for an hr straight- thats what my other post was abt- but halfway through the day i had mostly bounced back, thanks to a looooooooooong walk in the hot weather. B”H it didnt rain, cuz i needed that!

luna- i didnt make any cheesecake this year, and we only had 1 that i didnt like 😛 so cant say i did! but i’m gonna make yummy cookies today to make up for that :D. Did u have any really yum ones to share? how are you?

MP- 🙂 emotionally AND spiritually is the best combo

kapusta- so glad it was nice! and iy”H shabbos and yomtov should continue to exceed your expectations!

NOMTW- so besides for food, how was shavuos?? 🙂

ICOT, Syag Lchochma, think first, blabla, PE- hope you had a nice yom tov!