Reply To: Inrovert-Extrovert dating

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Welcome, Person1!

We all know many couples where one side is much louder than the other, yet they have beautiful marriages. There is certainly truth in the fact that having different characteristics to one’s spouse can complement the relationship.

I wouldn’t say, however, that ‘opposites attract’. I think the truth lies more in the fact that being an ‘introvert’ or an ‘extrovert’ doesn’t make you ‘opposites’.

It would be doing an injustice to Homo Sapiens (aka Humanity, to those are Israeli!) to say that you can define the complex human personality in one word. Humans are complicated, multifaceted creatures, and no one characteristic defines the person. So although your ‘introverted’ nature may on the surface seem like a polar opposite, you may be similar in many other ways other than your natural interaction with others.

Some people [especially introverts] deliberately look for a spouse who is louder or more social, to make up for their ‘lack of input’, or to create a balance. As long as they are both comfortable with themselves and each other [i.e. neither of them feel threatened by each others personality], it shouldn’t get in the way of a relationship.

That being said, it can be that you don’t feel comfortable with a loud girl, for a whole host of reasons. You may feel the relationship becoming one sided, you may have conflicting interests as a result which make you wary of such a relationship. And that is also fine. You are allowed to not feel comfortable.

Only you [or people who know you well] can advise you whether it is a reason not to go out. The fact that it is redt obviously doesn’t obligate you to go out, it certainly isn’t necessarily a Hechsher from Hashem that you must marry each other. But how much is there to lose by dating an otherwise perfect girl?