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WolfishMusings: Based on your various comments throughout this thread, you seem to be assuming the quote from Rav Moshe is addressing the point of when to ask a Talmid Chochom a question. Although that is a fair question, my reading of Rav Moshe is that he is addressing the binding nature of non-halachic advice of a Talmid Chachom once the TC already issued advice on an issue (whether on his own initiative or by request.)
Another issue about your comments that perturbs me is how you seem to constantly attempt to frame your disagreeing with what was said by Rav Moshe, by trying to turn it into my position when in reality it isn’t my position but rather the position of Gedolei Yisroel (that I merely directly quoted verbatim.) Obviously you don’t want to be seen as disagreeing with Gedolei Yisroel, but in reality that is just what you are doing here. (I noticed this same strategy being employed by you on other threads too.) I’ve asked earlier on this thread if anyone can quote and cite another Godol who disagrees with the quote in the OP, but this request has thus far been ignored (other than another posters vague unsubstantiated claim that someone “disagrees.”)