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That is what I was saying. It’s legitemate to turn down someone for something that bothers you. Everyone accepts that it ok to turn someone down for the way they look – if it bothers you. Nothing controversial about that. it’s a kal vachomer that it should be legitemate to turn down a guy for not being able to spell right. Surely it’s not a -mitzva- to be uneducated.

Also you didn’t say the guy was a great talmid chochem. If he was, I suggest that you reconsider (:

As for the main issue, I could give you more recent examples. the rav Shach zatzal was not eloquent in Hebrew, even though he had lived in Erez Israel many years. Arav shteinman leavdil bein chaim lechaim is also not so eloquent in Hebrew. I don’t think it diminshes their gadlus.