Reply To: Lakewood School Busing

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Abba-S -“Health- You don’t want to pay for school busing because it increases your taxes but you think nothing of having your fellow taxpayers pay for miles of sidewalks and school crossing guards. Plus they will have to have an environmental impact study showing walking to school is safe. An easier solution is ban school busing through out the state or at least in Lakewood. It’s not going to happen.”

You’re in a dream world if you think my real estate taxes would be more or equal for those things as opposed to paying for bussing!

“Look at it this way if the state loses the lawsuit over this you maybe looking at paying for school vouchers for the over 30,000 yeshiva students at at least $10,000.00 each which will really raise your taxes”

This state would never pass school vouchers! You obviously don’t know anything about this state!