Reply To: Lakewood School Busing

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Abba-S -“This will probably cost $500 million and still not solve the problem because Lakewood keeps expanding. Also NJ is famous for government corruption.”

Where did you get 500 mil from? I believed you when you said 20 mil.

Before you post crazy numbers – you need some proof!

“As far as the federal courts being Antisemitic that is the same logic the Southerner thought when they fought integration and lost. It is 60 years later and they are still busing for integration. Satmer has won in Bloomingberg NY when they denied them the right to vote and blocked them from getting building permits.”

I have some experience with the federal courts. Over there in Satmar it was obvious discrimination. Over here – it’s very hard to prove disparate treatment!

“As far as no school busing your in a dream world parents will never accept it.”

Who cares? Did they ask me if I mind if my real estate taxes go up?

“As it is some of the “Failing districts” are complaining that the state is giving these funds to Lakewood and not to them.”

Which districts? The ones that get more money than e/o else or not?

“If they are giving equal amount per student then they have to give school vouchers otherwise the district is receiving funds for a service it didn’t provide.”

What are you talking about? What funds is the district supposed to provide & for what service?