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The reason my posts seem ‘absolute’, is because I am referring to laws that are as absolute as the orbit of the planets, and as the rising of the sun. I do not consider clear, open chazals to be open for twisting and turning to conform to a licentious, ‘orthodox’ culture which is repulsed by tznius.
In Kelm, not a chasidishe town by any means, women and men walked on separate sides of the street. Once, a choson and kalah were caught walking together, and the Alter shried ‘s’brent a fire in kelm!’.
We’re not holding there; halevai we should keep basic halacha – but we aspire to such lofty heights, and whatever we can hold on to to the precous mesorah of yiddishe tznius, we must.
the kind of remarks frequently found on this website, comparing beautiful tznius to the taliban, etc.., are simply anti-religious.