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-Whats the diffrence between BMG and a beer bottle? The beer starts in the market and ends up in a freezer,BMG you start in the freezer and end on the market.
-In 2004 the White House announced we got Hussein.In 2008 Hussein announced we got the White house.
-B’reishis- In the beginning,
Noach lech- Noach went
Vayayroh Chayay Soroh- and he saw Chaya Sora
Toldos- and he checked out the Yichus
Vayaitzay- and they went out.
Vayishlach- They didn’t like each other, so they sent each other away.
Vayeshev- The shadchan intervened and they returned to each other.
Mikaitz- in the end
Vayigash- they got close
-A Breslover chassid was bragging about his Rebbe to a Litvak.
“You know that every Shabbos we give the Rebbe an aliyah, and even though he has been niftar for 200 years we all hear him say the brachah and we say “amen”.
“That’s not so impressive” said the Litvak. “Let me know when you plan on giving him hagbah