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Before the summer i was in a supermarket and i witnessed a Morah with a bunch of small children walking down the aisles. She was showing the young children all the diffrent foods and explaining what bracha to make on it and why. e.g. she showed them a carrot and said that we all have to thank Hashem for creating such wonderful vegetables. This vegetable we make a ha’admaa on because it grows from the ground. She explained to them that it is a huge miracle how Hashem creates food from the ground.

I thought to myself, look at the amazing difference between a jewish school and a muslim school. IN a Jewish school they are teaching about creation and to thank G-d for creating and to continue creating. IN the muslim schools their teaching destruction. How to destruct. How good destruction is. They teach them how to use guns at young ages. UNBELIEVABLE. Every morning when you say the bracha of “Shelo Usani Go” we all should think in to what we are saying and mean what we are saying.