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I dont know if this joke was already said here, but I’ll say it and sorry if it was. There was a jewish actor named moish looking for a job. He finally found a job at the zoo. There was a monkey that knew how to do excellent tricks and died. No other monkey in the world knew how to do those tricks, so the zoo got lots of money from the monkey., SO when Mr. monkey died, they were too scared of their business to announce its death, so they hired this jewish actor to dress up in a monkey suit. The jew dressed up and was an excellent attraction at the zoo.

ONe day, as MOish was swinging really hard on the monkey bars, he accidentally flew off into the lions cage. Moish’s heart started beating, a huge sharp toothed lion was just awaken from its sleep. As the lion approached him, he managed to yell out, “SHema yisroel HashemELokainu HAshem Echad” The lion responded “”Boruch shem kvod malhhuso lolam voed” Moish freked out and said, “SHimon is that you!” “Moish is that you” responded the lion. “How long have you been working here.” All of a sudden the zebra from the next cage said, “Rabboisai, if you don’t want us a;ll to lose our jobs, keep it down.” 🙂