Reply To: Are Kollel Folks Better Jews Than The Rest Of us?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Are Kollel Folks Better Jews Than The Rest Of us? Reply To: Are Kollel Folks Better Jews Than The Rest Of us?

☕ DaasYochid ☕

I thought this is what you were saying in this post

(That a. There are many variables and b. Why does it matter)

I was and am saying that.

The “all things being equal” qualification when “ranking” people is silly because all things are not equal, and more importantly, the tone of these threads is one of class warfare and debasing others (particularly this one:

But the implication of some of these posts that learning full time or not makes no difference is wrong. As you pointed out, generally, people who are in kollel learn and know more, and denying that this is a positive in a person’s overall ruchniyus is ridiculous.

Not everyone has that opportunity, and only Hashem knows the full picture and can make the ultimate judgement, but to simply say that everything and everyone is equal is to potentially dismiss values which should be important to all of us.

I don’t know where you see that the OP was comparing a “talmid chochom” who is mevazeh the Torah to a balabus who learns every minute he can. He made no such qualification, or I would have surely agreed that the balabus is better (and yes I just ranked them – is that offensive?).