Reply To: Kollel Life in Eretz Yisroel is More Difficult and a Greater Sacrifice than Army

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Kollel Life in Eretz Yisroel is More Difficult and a Greater Sacrifice than Army Reply To: Kollel Life in Eretz Yisroel is More Difficult and a Greater Sacrifice than Army


I am not going to get into the debate of Learning vs the Army

HOWEVER if even ONE charedi insults a soldier, or does something like going partying in Eilat during bein Hazmanin, It severly damages the argument.

Obviously charedi society is not monolithic, but they put forward the idea that they are monolithic. Obviously most people can tell the differnce between a secular jew who is a lawyer and has a wife and family and a secular jew who is an “alternative lifestyle” with tattos everyhwere. However the charedim themsevles do not distinguist between someone who is an illui and can learn 18 hours a day and someone who can barely learn 2 hours a day