Reply To: Kollel Life in Eretz Yisroel is More Difficult and a Greater Sacrifice than Army

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Kollel Life in Eretz Yisroel is More Difficult and a Greater Sacrifice than Army Reply To: Kollel Life in Eretz Yisroel is More Difficult and a Greater Sacrifice than Army

Lilmod Ulelamaid

I glanced at the responses to my post. One glance was enough. Please, if you care at all about Am Yisrael, reread this paragraph and stop doing things that lead to more chayalim and other yidden being killed:

“Again, I beg of all of you, do not turn this into a Sinas Chinam thread. Most of you are neither learning full-time or serving in the army. You are not helping Am Yisrael in either of these ways. If you want to help Am Yisrael, if you want to make sure that one less chayal is killed, that one more mother does not have to sit shiva for her teen-age son, you can do your part by refraining from Loshon Hara and Sinas Chinam. In that way, you can accomplish much, much more than all of the chayalim in the Israeli Army put together.”