Reply To: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people? Reply To: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people?

🍫Syag Lchochma

You’re basically not going to change anyone’s middos or Hashkafos here

I’m curious to know what you meant by that. It can be highly condescending or just a passing comment. I hope you meant the later.

But I do disagree with you. Your (as in “each individual”) job as a yid is not to work on changing other people. The job of a yid is to change ourselves. Read posts and change yourself. Hear other’s opinions and change yourself. Learn what sets you off and change yourself. Changing other people for the good would involve knowing who you are speaking to and how they ‘tick’. Changing other people for the bad is as easy as being a lousy role model. Our job is to change ourselves.