Reply To: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people? Reply To: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people?


Yes, we all agree that there are those who don’t belong in Kollel.

Just curious, what data do you have that shows the percentage that “doesn’t belong” (and that needs to be defined) is a minority?

Just from my own observations in America (and therefore anecdotal, not data). EY is a whole different ballgame, and differs betwen Charaidim and Dati Leumi (including Chardal):

Most Kollel bochrim for the first 5 years are there for the ride. They are getting support and are better off learning with support than leaving without it, and expenses are low.

After about 5 years they get serious or start leaving.

The Men who are still in Kollel when they need to marry off their children are Ruba D’Ruba very serious about their learning.

What makes them feel inferior is not just the lifestyle, but partly a sociaty that’s determined to look down at them, for reasos that are everything except yiras shomaim.

Disagree completely. The society makes those who leave learning feel inferior because some edited, sorry want to pressure people to stay in learning long after they would have left on their own. Whether is is for good or evil I will let you decide.