Reply To: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people? Reply To: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people?


Joseph: Then maybe I should stop hanging around you too? Your attitude seems nearly identical to this woman I was talking about. Like you have something to prove to everyone else.

I know tons of full-time kollel people. Enough to know that obsessing over money and gashmiyus is very far from atypical. Those are the people who are in full time kollel because of the pressure. They are talmidei chachamim, so they were pushed into fulfilling their potential. Unfortunately, just because you can quote any Gemara verbatim does not necessarily mean you have the personality suited for a life of next to no basic income.