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write or wrong

Thanks Yiddeshemeidele613

Sam2- At this point, he doesn’t want me to even mention anything religious, he’ll just change the subject. Telling him “I won’t let him hang out with his friends all day” is useless, bc I can’t control him. He is basically coming and going as he pleases. What consequence could I offer if he stays out all day?

Tikvayes- It sounds nice, but I can’t ‘lead him on his own path” when I, myself have no desire to go there. And I don’t think it’s a good path. It’s like hiking in the mountains, only he wants to walk on the edge of a cliff. I can’t encourage it, and truthfully, I want to pull him in. The hard part is that I have to somehow let him walk this path and pray he doesn’t fall.

My Brother/I love camp govoah/hock613-thanks for the recommendations.

Soliek/blabla-you’re right about therapy, but I’ve tried in the past to involve my son in counseling and he always refused. My husband and I went by ourselves. I think part of the reason this is happening to my son is bc it fits in with his personality. He has always been independent and controlling, and he is now expressing it in its fullest.