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Wandering Teen-you asked why you should follow your parents blindly if it’s not what you feel. I understand your reasoning, it’s a very hard thing to do. And probably many teens feel like you. But perhaps instead of ‘following’ your parents, you should take the ‘lead’ in finding out what’s true. I think that only when someone is convinced that the Torah is absolutely true, can they live the lifestyle demanded of them. Also, when ‘exploring one’s options’, it’s best to begin in one’s own backyard. There are answers to every question! I’m reminded of the story, “The Wizard of Oz”. If you remember, Dorothy was unhappy at home, and she ran away. After all her encounters and experiences, she realized that the best place to be is home, and she did everything she could to get back there. I remember one of the lines in the movie was something Dorothy said, about if she will ever go searching again for her heart’s desire, she won’t look further than her own backyard. Because if it isn’t there, then she never really lost it to begin with. Nice words.
You said that what matters most is ‘being a kind and genuine human being’. You are correct (and in agreement with the Torah!) Many of the mitsvos have to do with chesed, not speaking lashon hara, giving the benefit of the doubt, not causing others pain etc. From the parent’s perspective, our inner motivation for doing things is bc it’s correct, not bc we like it necessarily. That’s why it’s so important to find out the truth.
Imaofthree- I wonder if there’s an organization where can daven for eachother’s children to come back to the derech?