Reply To: Going off the Derech

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write or wrong

EH-you sound so knowledgeable. How is it that you seem to know the right approach to take? Do you know kids who went through verbal bullying/emotional abuse and came back to the derech? I actually wrote down your words so I can remember them the next time I start to despair again, which is usually a few times a day, or more.

The other thing that came up in our conversation was being with his chevra on Shabbos. He said that he can’t stand everone putting restrictions on him, including the RY, the Rebbes, and me. He wants to be able to be with who he wants on Shabbos without any questions or time limits. He says that he’s doing everything the RY wants him to do, even though he doesn’t want to do any of it. In light of this, do you think I should back down and leave him alone to do what he wants on Shabbos?