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I try to keep my posts short and they end up being quite long.

I had in mind to say to give him some private time. either out to eat – which u r right is always something they go for.

or a walk by the water..which I know my son would enjoy.

tachlis of this time is to just listen to him and see where he is really up to.. or whats hurting him..

for instance I am hearing about all the abuse he went through as a child in cheider.. and how no one listened or did anything for him..well, guess what he never told me anything at the time.

A lot of past is coming out..

He is now much better. He has been to other boys homes and sees his home is great next to theirs.. to the point that I’ve had some of them sleep by me cuz dey could not be home..

does your son have a job? mine BH does so he is somewhat busy..

its the nights that kill them.. they are not learners so there are no shiurim.. so where soes one apend extra time…???