Reply To: Going off the Derech

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gavra_at_work – Your are correct that Children can tell a lie from a mile away. That does not cause OTD. Something happened to the kid for this to happen.

I’m not saying that it did. I have no idea what happened. I do know that if the children see the parents only following the Torah outside the home for others to see, then they will have no reason to follow it both inside & outside.

No normal kid goes OTD.

Sheker or Scotsman, I’m not sure which. Yes there is a “reason”, but it could be as simple as the Rebbe telling the Bochur that “if you can’t learn Gemorah, you will be nothing”, and the child is broken, because it is hard. That is not an “abnormal” child (perhaps an abnormal Rebbe). It may be someone figuring out that the outside world DOES have what to offer (after being told from age 2 that they are all insects who are Mezaneh all day). That is not “abnormal”. I could go on and on.