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write or wrong

ultimateskier-how old are you? You sound mature, and perhaps a certain maturity is needed in order to make the decisions you made. I don’t think my son is there yet.

Derech Hamelech-thanks for your wise suggestions. My husband is also in terrible pain over my son, but he deals with it differently. He is angry with him for what he’s doing. I just cry.

daniela-we are in kesher with a Rav, and have direction. But it helps tremendously to hear from others who have gone/are going through this or who have some experience in dealing with this.

As I write all this, I realize that you all have a 2 day Yom Tov (we have only 1). It’s a mitzvah to be happy at this time, and we are really trying to be happy, even though we have hardly seen our son. It is truly a nisayon. It drizzled a little on Sukkos, and I’m hoping that as the rainy season comes, my son will spend more time at home. Chag Sameach to all..