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S1: It’s not true, having stronger belief in Hashem won’t make it easier for you to stop talking to boys. I was there (in the opposite way), I know. But for one thing, why don’t you try reading some books or listening to some shiurim about emunah? There are tons of interesting speeches out there on TorahAnytime and SimpleToRemember on Emunah and Bitachon. For another thing, when you decide to stop talking to boys, do you actually let them know so that they could respect your decision and make it easier on yourself? Put yourself in a place where it will be easier on you for a while and after a few months pass, it will be so much easier.
chloqueen: I see that a lot of people have this problem with noticing that there are Jewish people out there that aren’t being very Jewish. And when these people are people we expect to be role models, it can be a real let down. I was in Eretz Yisroel for a really long time in great communities with really amazing people. Coming back to America I saw with my own eyes things that frum people were doing that I would never have believed was possible. But the answer is that this is galus and its hard for everyone. The areas in your life that you find easy are hard for others and that’s why you feel let down when they fail it- because it so easy for you! For them its a terrible nisayon- the same like emunah is for you! But you’re a strong girl, you can find the answers on your own. There are tons of shiurim on Emunah that are online. And in a year or two from now, you might see a BY girl struggling with these same problems and you’ll be able to give her the answers to the questions.