Reply To: Going off the Derech

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There definitely needs to be a respect for fellow Jews. Even if we disagree with others, we can still respect them as fellow Jews. While an MO individual is not As strict, they basically follow the general halachot. One’s anger toward a fellow Jew is No better, since we also should consider bein adam l’chavero. We should be a good example to our children and show them that while we don’t hold by the MO hashkafah, we still respect them as fellow Jews.


The rebellious teen

Another thing I want to mention is the teen themselves. They are going through a transitional time. They can go from a range of emotions like happy, sad, excited, confused, scared. There is so much they want to do like an independent adult, but they are not yet adults, and so they try to do what they can to express themself. That sometimes comes off as rebellious. But they don’t mean to be misbehave. They just don’t know what to do.

Pushing or pressuring them to do what we want, like davening, will only make go further away.

We want to help them, but we have to do it slowly and patiently. When they need to vent out their thoughts, let them vent, and just listen to them. When they are in a Good mood, talk to them and ask them How You Can Help them with what they need emotionally, academically, spiritually………

Some ideas I got from