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I have family there.

I also freelance, and I visited the community numerous times, and was invited to their homes.

I actually just received a document from one of the families, the doc was written by a child welfare worker which states that their inspection of the home and children was found to be satisfactory.

Just so you know, the imvestigations started after two former members reported to the authorities regarding the education.

Under Quebec law, any child that does not receive an education equivalent to the public school education, is considered ‘neglected’ and ‘abused’.

When the community failed to reach a compromise with the education minister,the minister threatened with a letter stating that under Quebec law, he has no choice but to refer the matter to the youth protection agency.

On a side but important note, When Stephen Harper was prime minister of Canada, it was a known fact that Israel was the third rail of Canadian politics and many policies.

It was also obvious from Israeli cabinet meetings (which were videotaped and downloaded, the knesset has since taken them down) that Israel was very keen on breaking the community at any cost.

Those two facts were the main driving force behind the investigations.

Homes were searched numerous times and nothing was found.

The Israeli government has only rehashed the false allegations and bribed officials in Guatemala to conduct a raid which was obviously done without any regard to the welfare of the children.

The officials came at 6 am and simply broke down doors and raided home after home only to find nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

It is sickening to see the comments on social media and news outlets, with no regard to Jewish men woman and children.

Anyone who has had an honest conversation with individuals from Lev Tahor know that they are riteous and fine people.

I urge all to get facts not from the Media or hearsay, rather facts from people who were there firsthand. (There are many individuals who have peacefully left the community after feeling it was not for them. Only a countless few hold a grudge and chip on their shoulder and find no happiness until the community is decimated completely, chas v’sholom).

There are many individuals who left the Orthodox Jewish community, yet only a select few, with hatred, go to the media and badmouth orthodox Judaism. Just search ‘Othodox Jews’ on video sites, and see how many angry youngsters are appearing on television.

If we don’t protest in support of Lev Tahor who’s to say we are not next?

We live in a wonderful country where the status quo of the education and aspects of Jewish life was respected.

Only when disgrunted individuals went to the court system, did the government get involved.

There are so many facts to show and things to say revolving around Lev Tahor, so many misjustices that befell their part with terrible consequences, I implore upon all ?????? ??? ?????? to open their hearts and minds to these helpless people and see to assist them in amy way possible.