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@dovrosenbaum Because it’s not a derech, and there is little decision involved once you’re sucked in to the cult.

Please answer your own question: why do rabbonim and erliche yidden see this as very different than any other sects?

Why did the Mishpacha – who lovingly cover all strands of Torah jewry from MO to extreme chassidus – and does not publish coverage of individual scandals, but chose the very risky position of “outing” LT as a cult?

Why does even the Eida Chareidis declare burka wearing as not halacha, mesorah or minhag?

You’ll ask me: what exactly is the line between extreme frumkeit and non-Torahdik extreme living? I don’t know exactly where it lies but I do know LT is far over that line.

And why is it a cult, rather than just a kehillah not conforming to any mesorah? Because it fits the definition: it’s based on the charisma of one person and his deputies who controls every aspect of their life from novel rules on eating, socialising, bringing up kids, shidduchim (decided by leadership not only parents!), not to mention restrictions on leaving the group that make it close to impossible unless you’re willing never to speak to your parents, siblings or children ever again.

There have been many examples given (including by me), but here’s a simple one: Is there any chassidus that would ban all familial contact with someone who left their kehillah to become “merely” a litvak or MO (but still Torah Observing)?