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benignuman -“There is a difference between “justified” and “excusable”.”

I just looked into both recent shootings! The one in Charlotte NC was definitely justified!

A gun was found at the scene corroborating the cop’s story.

In Oklahoma, they just charged her with manslaughter.

This is a violation of her civil rights! The shooting was probably justified and certainly excusable! He probably was high on drugs. He didn’t follow any of her orders and he tried reaching into the car.

The fact that the window was closed could not have been detected from her vantage point!

Almost all news sites don’t show the video from the chopper at the point of him trying to reach into the car!

Now in this day and age, I wouldn’t be surprised if cops start waiting for back up, before responding! So much on relying on their protection! But don’t worry – you can still buy guns to protect yourself, until the libs make guns illegal!

The inmates are running the asylum!!!