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What they would ultimately like to do is bring the assault into the kodesh and the kodesh hakodoshim of our society. Soon, any schools that seek government funding and diplomas for their students will be forced to teach about all kinds of abominations as if they are just another alternative and an equally legitimate way of living.
What is transpiring may be a transition from the best golus experience the Jewish nation has had since the churban to a more classic mode of golus where, as frum Jews, we somehow walked between the raindrops of hostility, avoiding the pitfalls with a combination of shrewdness and shtadlanus.
It would appear that these kinds of outside government interventions in our education and other areas of life will increase and become more pervasive. We, as a community, must therefore fortify ourselves and prepare for the ensuing legal battles and to eventually make the sacrifices to be able to live as Yidden according to our Torah, even if the battles are lost.