Reply To: Speed Davening

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Most people who are learning, live local to where they learn and thus the commute time is less of a burden.

And I know that ZD is under the impression that learning people are not serious about their time, but I know that where I daven there are number of Kollel yungeliet who learn with working people every morning and they are learning from 5:30 am. And those same yungerliet have full day sedorim and learn to 10 oclock every night, even missing family simchas not to miss sedorim. And they will show up at 6 M on Friday after finishing a Thursday night mishmar at 1AM.

That is beaides a seperate Kollel that learns in the same location which starts davening at 7:15 and stays straight to the end of afternoon Seder.

The hours are longer than almost any working person I know.

And it is even on Sundays.