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Little Froggie

Eclipse: at our table we do not and hopefully never will allow talking about others. We discuss Gedolim, we admire them, their deeds, how to learn from them etc, but we’re careful not to discuss others in a way that borders on Lashon Harah. I truly thank my family, each and every member, for keeping it B”H that way.

I know. It’s horrible. There are people I once used to look up to. They lost so much of my respect because of their free attitude towards lason hara. A seuda is a time for a family to come together as a unit and partake of ?? ?????? ??? ???? ?, a time to elevate, to discuss ideas and ideals, sing and praise HaShem. Shouldn’t be wasted with ruining others… A shame…

Don’t you or anyone else get me wrong, I’m no tzaddik by far, by anyone’s imagination, oy, if you’d only know. It’s just that the Chofetz Chaim’s sefarim had a special pull on me when I was young… Some of it lingers on..