Reply To: How are single girls supposed to be mekayem the Mitzvah of Simcha on Chol HaMoed

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Lilmod Ulelamaid

Guys, guess what? You will not believe what happened to me tonight!!! As I was leaving the Kosel area, I handed 5 shekelim to a lady who was collecting money and continued on my way. All of a sudden she calls me back and guess what she handed me – a bracelet!!! I was so excited! I told her that she made my YomTov because according to halacha someone is supposed to give me jewelry and I had been waiting all Yom Tov for someone to give me jewelry!(and no, that’s not what I davened at the Kosel for) I don’t think she understood a word I said, but she “chapped” that I was very appreciative (for the idea that is, not the bracelet itself – the bracelet itself is probably either going to my 5 year old niece or the garbage).

Anyhow, wasn’t that incredible?? “Ratzon Yeraiav yaaseh” (not that I’m a yerayav, but whatever..) Maybe I should have started a thread about how I can’t celebrate Yomtov without a husband..